Saturday, December 12, 2015


Have you ever wondered what is really possible? As an Assistant Principal, I have been thinking about that quite a bit lately. I wonder if we are giving each and every student exactly what he/she needs at the exact moment he/she needs it in the learning process. I know our teachers are amazing and are planning night and day for exceptional thinking tasks for our learners. How can we make sure we are meeting all our students’ various needs? It’s called COLLABORATION!

Just a couple of things you might not know about our educators at Morton Ranch Elementary:

1. Our educators meet with their instructional teams and our Instructional Coaches at least once a week for EACH subject taught. These sessions are amazing to watch! Discussions happen around HOW and WHAT we are using to cement concepts with all learners. That means teachers who teach multiple subjects (math, science, reading, language arts, and social studies) meet at least three/four times a week with these various subjects. 

2. Our MRE educators are constantly on Twitter chats involved in learning with other educators around the world. Did you know that most of those chats happen during the evening hours (after a full day of work with your students) and on Saturday and Sunday? Your child’s teacher wants to make sure if a new idea is out there, she/he is using it! Our educators are building our MRE story at #mreALLin on Twitter. Why not login and follow/join the conversation!

3. Many of our educators attend each and every after school event just to chat with our families. Yes, they have families they are leaving at home and stating they will “see them a little bit later” on that evening. Our educators can’t wait to cheer on your family at events such as: grade level musicals, Glow Run, Art Night, Book Fair evening events, Math Night, Breakfast with Santa, PTA Meetings…and this is only a partial list. We love it when our students’ families show up at these events. Thank you!

4. Did you know that our MRE educators think about your learner and family around the clock? These dedicated people are constantly striving to serve YOU. That really is our passion! How can we help all our learners at Morton Ranch Elementary? This is asked on a daily basis in our hallways and meeting rooms.

Is it possible for educators to care this much? Yes, it is and it’s happening in our learning community at Morton Ranch Elementary. Thank you for allowing us to share the magic of learning with your students on a daily basis. It really is possible to make sure that each and every student feels that he/she matters in our learning environment!

Thank you to the educators at MRE for making it happen on a daily basis. It is noticed and appreciated by our families (not to mention our administrators).