Saturday, December 12, 2015


Have you ever wondered what is really possible? As an Assistant Principal, I have been thinking about that quite a bit lately. I wonder if we are giving each and every student exactly what he/she needs at the exact moment he/she needs it in the learning process. I know our teachers are amazing and are planning night and day for exceptional thinking tasks for our learners. How can we make sure we are meeting all our students’ various needs? It’s called COLLABORATION!

Just a couple of things you might not know about our educators at Morton Ranch Elementary:

1. Our educators meet with their instructional teams and our Instructional Coaches at least once a week for EACH subject taught. These sessions are amazing to watch! Discussions happen around HOW and WHAT we are using to cement concepts with all learners. That means teachers who teach multiple subjects (math, science, reading, language arts, and social studies) meet at least three/four times a week with these various subjects. 

2. Our MRE educators are constantly on Twitter chats involved in learning with other educators around the world. Did you know that most of those chats happen during the evening hours (after a full day of work with your students) and on Saturday and Sunday? Your child’s teacher wants to make sure if a new idea is out there, she/he is using it! Our educators are building our MRE story at #mreALLin on Twitter. Why not login and follow/join the conversation!

3. Many of our educators attend each and every after school event just to chat with our families. Yes, they have families they are leaving at home and stating they will “see them a little bit later” on that evening. Our educators can’t wait to cheer on your family at events such as: grade level musicals, Glow Run, Art Night, Book Fair evening events, Math Night, Breakfast with Santa, PTA Meetings…and this is only a partial list. We love it when our students’ families show up at these events. Thank you!

4. Did you know that our MRE educators think about your learner and family around the clock? These dedicated people are constantly striving to serve YOU. That really is our passion! How can we help all our learners at Morton Ranch Elementary? This is asked on a daily basis in our hallways and meeting rooms.

Is it possible for educators to care this much? Yes, it is and it’s happening in our learning community at Morton Ranch Elementary. Thank you for allowing us to share the magic of learning with your students on a daily basis. It really is possible to make sure that each and every student feels that he/she matters in our learning environment!

Thank you to the educators at MRE for making it happen on a daily basis. It is noticed and appreciated by our families (not to mention our administrators).

Friday, August 28, 2015

First Week of 2015-2016

How does one measure a great week? Well, we just completed our first week at Morton Ranch Elementary and by all accounts it was fantastic!

Our students enjoyed seeing old friends and meeting many new friends. Students all over our campus were helping each other learn routines and procedures. There is something special about learners helping learners! A campus just isn't complete during the summer months without students' smiles, laughs and questions. Welcome back, Mavericks! 

Our school has grown by one classroom in each grade level this year. With growth arrives many new families and several opportunities to embrace change! Our students have a Grab-and-Go breakfast opportunity located by the front office. No longer must students venture from the buses to the cafeteria to eat breakfast. They can "grab" breakfast and "go" directly to their classrooms to eat. Let's maximize our instructional time!

Our families engaged in two parent rallies this week to begin the volunteering adventure -Mommies & Mavericks and Watch Dads OGreat Students (Watch D.O.G.S.). Many of our previous volunteers are back in force. We are just thrilled to see so many of our new parents ready to help our students and staff make MRE simply the best this year! Please join the fun by registering for one of these extraordinary clubs. Check your Tuesday folder for all the details. You will be glad you did!

Not only did we have excitement for our students and parents, our educators are pretty excited about Mrs. Christina Dismuke's news! One of our Second Grade Teachers was chosen as one of the three state of Texas finalists for Elementary Teacher of Texas! She will head to Austin, Texas during September for an interview and reception. We received word about this honor during her Region IV Teacher of the Year reception held at our school on the first day of school! To say we are thrilled would be an understatement! We simply LOVE Mrs. Christina Dismuke and think she has hung the moon for students, parents, and educators!

Our first week assembly would not be complete without a special birthday wish to Morton Ranch Elementary. Our school turned eight years old this year! We sang happy birthday and all learners enjoyed cupcakes. Our administrators shared a special rap about the meaning of MAVS and ALL IN! Our lead learners might just have some hidden talents.

We plan to share moments and build our MRE story. Please check back often as we share our reflections and celebrations with you. Follow the conversation on Twitter with #mreALLin each and every day. Can't wait to see what the rest of the school year brings!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Learning Matters

Twitter has many opportunities to expand our thinking. The latest #Edchat asked an important question...what are important characteristics of a 21st Century Educator? Many ideas were shared by participants on this topic. I believe that our educators must be connected to other teachers/students and encourage risk taking by modeling questions/"what if" thinking. Our students are depending on this modeling for their learning.

My hope as an Assistant Principal at Morton Ranch Elementary is that our students (PreK-5th Grade) were modeled risk taking by the many educators in our building. We want our students to question daily in all subject areas! We want our students to take risks in their learning on a daily basis. We want ALL our learners to grow in their thinking and in their collaboration skills. Basically we want students to make at least a year's growth as a learner.

When you ask educators at MRE why they teach, we know you will hear the idea that they teach because of our amazing MRE students! We love our kids and are so blessed to learn each and every day with them. Families, thank you for sharing your awesome learners with us daily during 2014-2015! We can't wait to experience more learning in 2015-2016...see you in August!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Loved, Appreciated, and Supported

As an Assistant Principal, it never ceases to amaze me just how many things I think about each day. Each day I am blessed to work with students, teachers, and parents. Each group has different needs, ideas, and questions. While I love working with all three parties, it's not uncommon in one day to think about: student success, teacher success, campus progress, changes coming, new ideas, parental support, strength of our PTA, district and state testing, teacher needs, classroom management, instructional coaching, professional learning, campus needs, cafeteria needs, team building, new hires, and so much more. But one question I always go back to is: Do our teachers feel loved, appreciated, and supported? 

It's hard being much as I wish I could be...I'm just not perfect. Not even close. I make mistakes daily, I change my mind, and there is no way there is enough time to meet everyone's need, but I do my very best daily. My hope is that each teacher at Morton Ranch Elementary knows this: I love him/her. I support him/her. I appreciate all he/she does for our students. 

So to each of our amazing educators...let me say this.

I love you. I love the support you give our MRE students on a daily basis. I love your passion, your willingness to change, and your willingness to take risks. I love that you learn from your mistakes, model lifelong learning, and support your team no matter what. I love that you don't come to work for money, but to change one life at a time. I love that you never give up, never make excuses, and always try to improve your craft. I love that you correct my mistakes, challenge me to be the best leader I can be, and always amaze me when I walk through your classroom door. I love your heart. I love your desire. Most of all I love that even though you leave exhausted at the end of the come back the next day ready to roll! 

I appreciate you. Don't think I don't notice your car is still here when I leave at 6:00pm or arrive at 6:45am. I see you staying late and coming early. I see you jumping on Twitter chats to learn from other educators across the world. I see you updating your webpage. Please know this...what you do each day is noticed and appreciated more than I could ever express. I appreciate the time you put in...the tears, the frustrations, the triumphs. I appreciate how you help our students, parents, and teams. I appreciate how you handle discipline problems, work to solve problems, and carry the burden of others when you can. I appreciate how you always greet students at your door in the morning, welcome new students into your learning environment, and eat with your students in the cafeteria when needed. I appreciate your willingness to follow my lead, even when it might seem a bit crazy. But most of all, I appreciate you being you and choosing a profession that is often thankless.

I am here for you - you have my support and I will catch you when you fall. I am here to encourage you, watch as you take risks, make mistakes, and model what true learning looks like for our students. I am behind you 100 percent, even when you're not perfect...because I would never expect you to be and neither do our students. I'm here to listen, help, and offer a shoulder or pep talk. I'm here every hour of the day/night and I'm here to serve you. It's YOU who is making the difference for our students, families, and community. I am here to celebrate your successes both big and small. I'm your biggest cheerleader and I am so very proud of you!

Our MRE staff members change lives. You make a difference each day. You provide hope and build character. You give kids the power to make better choices for their lives. You are amazing...and it's to each and every educator I say...from the bottom of my heart...thank you!
